In Scripture we find many important
writings on shepherds of God’s flock. We find that overseeing the flock of God
is given criteria in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (ESV):
The saying is trustworthy: If anyone
aspires to the office of overseer,
he desires a noble task. 2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded,
self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not
violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own
household well, with all dignity keeping his children
submissive, 5 for if someone does not
know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? 6 He must not be a recent
convert, or he may become puffed up with
conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover, he must be well
thought of by outsiders, so that he may
not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.
This criteria is very specific
starting with the desire to oversee the flock of God while not lording over
them. The shepherd/overseer is to have good character, good reputation and it
is imperative for him to be able to lead his family if he is to lead the church.
Shepherds are to feed, correct and train the flock of God fulfilling the
ministry (2 Timothy 4:1-5). Shepherds are not to rob God or his flock lest they
be cursed (Ezekiel 34). Shepherds are to be diligent to not be a burden to the
people (2 Thessalonians 3:7-10) but at the same time, the shepherd deserves
appropriate wages for his work (1 Timothy 5:17-18). All this is important,
including that a shepherd be faithful over God’s flock, but this article is not
about the faithfulness of the shepherd, but about the sheep and greener
I know that there are many
shepherds out there today that do not preach the whole counsel of God, but
there are many who do faithfully proclaim the Word of the Lord and use it
rightly (2 Timothy 3:16-17). When these shepherds do fulfill their
responsibility, then what happens when the sheep stray? What is a shepherd to
Well, most expectations lead to the
idea of a shepherd chasing after that “lost sheep” and carrying them back to
the fold. Yes, that is the example given in Luke 15:4, but that is not what I
am discussing here or even the implied meaning of that passage of Scripture.
The problem I see most often is not only that a “lost sheep” wanders off, but
when the shepherd goes off and finds it, the sheep goes off and does it again
and again and again. The “lost sheep” desire to spend more time away from the
sheepfold than with it. I tell you this particular type of “sheep” is starting
to look, act and sound more like a goat. I understand goats because I raise
goats. It amazes me that a goat can be standing in a pasture with grass higher
than its head and it will stick its head through the fence to other side to get
a bite of subpar or less nourishing morsels; many times leaving the goat with
its head stuck in a fence or being shocked by the electric containment fencing.
Many of these “lost sheep” type are
the same way. They see the greener pastures of money, work, new jobs, sports,
hobbies, entertainment, etc. and they run off dining on the tender morsels they
so desire in their hearts. They enjoy this pasture until they pick their heads
up and see an even yet greener pasture than before and they drift off into it,
indulging in the morsels they desire more and more of. Each new pasture they
see gets even better and better in their minds until that moment where they
find themselves trapped beneath a load of debt, work, and dissatisfaction, yet
when they look up, they do not see the sheepfold, nor the shepherd and
recognize they are alone. These sheep will begin calling out for the shepherd
of the flock and maybe he even hears their call and comes and rescues them and
brings them back into the sheepfold. When they get back to the sheepfold they
notice that the other sheep are well-fattened and looking much better than
themselves. In fact, they notice how skinny and disheveled they have become
from all their running about to and fro and they cannot comprehend how they got
that way. How is it that these sheep that stayed with the shepherd seem so much
better off? Maybe, it’s because he likes them more or gave more care to them?
Maybe they were his favorites? Maybe he didn’t care about the “lost sheep” as
much or he forgot about them? Maybe if he had paid more attention to the “lost
sheep” they would not be in as bad of shape? Maybe. But what if that is not the
What if the sheep of the sheepfold
understood their shepherd and stayed with him and followed him as Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He
makes me lie down in green pastures. He
leads me beside still waters. 3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for
his name's sake. 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I
will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
And the “lost sheep” did not? What
if in the midst of their entire search to dine on the morsels of the greener
pastures, they really were dining on that which was leading to their death? By
the way, not all greenery in the pasture is good for sheep to eat, but can
become toxic ending in the death of the sheep. The shepherd would know this,
but the sheep unwilling to follow the shepherd or being enticed by the greener
pastures would not and might meet their utter destruction. What if the shepherd
was feeding them quality feed and calling them to come and dine on it and they
were showing up to the feed trough a little late, missing out on the best and
getting the leftovers? They were becoming malnourished, not because a lack of
feed because there was plenty, but that they were distracted by other things
and just showed up late regardless of the shepherd’s past promptings. Is all of
this the shepherd’s fault? Is the shepherd not doing his job? Do they have
grounds to stand upon in claiming that this shepherd has become neglectful to
them during their wanderings, while taking care of the sheepfold that benefited
from the shepherd’s guidance?
This is what happens in churches
today. There are many in our churches that claim to be a part of the sheepfold,
but rather are “lost sheep” that act like goats heading for damnation. They are
always being sucked away into greener pastures that are mere mirages of morsels
of this life that are leading to their destruction. Their church shepherds call
out to them and chase after them bringing them back time and time again just to
have them wander off again and again and again. When they do come to their
senses recognizing they have strayed so far they can no longer recognize the
sheepfold or the shepherd, they cry out to him and maybe he hears them and
comes and rescues them and brings them back to the sheepfold.
When those who have strayed look
around though, they might see some new faces or the sheepfold looks a bit
different. They talk differently and they talk about things that these
wandering sheep don’t understand or aren’t interested in. They wish the
shepherd would dumb things down a bit and simplify because they are skinny and
disheveled when it comes to Word of God and they just can’t comprehend what is
being talked about. For while they were out in the wanderings of their greener
pasture life, they dined on very little of the Word of God and they are
malnourished and some are sick with sin because they dined on the wrong things.
Maybe they showed up to church occasionally or late in a rush, never truly
prepared to hear from the Lord and be fed. Maybe they are malnourished because
the whole time they are there with the sheepfold they are distracted with the
worries of this life or the football game and party afterward or that new
trinket they haven’t got to play with or the work that still needs to be done. They
begin to notice that the other sheep of the sheepfold hang on the words of
their shepherd and it seems they have a different relationship. It seems that
they almost know how to finish each other’s sentences and laugh at jokes that
the wandering sheep seem out of the loop on. It seems they are outsiders to the
church. It seems that the shepherd cares more about the sheepfold than them. Is
this the shepherd’s fault? Is the shepherd not doing his job? Do these
wandering “lost sheep” have grounds in which to stand in claiming that this
shepherd has been neglectful to them while taking care of the sheepfold that
remained and benefited from the shepherd’s guidance?
No friends, this shepherd has done
all he can do. He can leave the ninety-nine to go after the one lost sheep, but
how many times? When is enough going to be enough? When will the wandering
sheep be responsible? How many times will the shepherd go searching for the
lost sheep to the detriment of the sheepfold? How long will he hold back
spiritual food so the wandering sheep can catch up or get their act together? It
is not fair or right for a faithful shepherd to have to compete with greener
pastures. He knows what you need. He should not have recreate the greener
pasture experience to get you to come back to the church or to keep you at the
church. You either love the Lord, your shepherd and your sheepfold, or you
don’t. Also, don’t hold your church shepherd responsible that you are
distracted with the morsels of the greener pastures of this life. Take personal
responsibility, repent of your idolatry, use some self-control and live for
King Jesus along with the other sheep of the sheepfold. Spend some time with
them in worship, in fellowship (the feed trough), and in community. It says in
Luke 15 that there is rejoicing over the one who is brought back in repentance. If a wandering sheep keeps
leaving the sheepfold because they idolize greener pastures and comes back to
the sheepfold, but never in repentance, that sheep is looking, acting and
sounding more and more like a goat than a sheep, and goats don’t belong in the
sheep pen.
Friends, let me remind you that the
goats will be separated out at the last day to their destruction (Matthew
25:31-46). The question you must ask yourself is whether you are a sheep or a
goat. If you are a sheep, then you need produce fruit in keeping with it (1
John 2:3-6). If you are acting like a goat, I call you to repent and be
reconciled to God through Christ Jesus. I must say there is no room for goats
in the church and as faithful shepherds we must not allow them either, but
protect our sheepfold. I challenge you to make faithfully attending church and
preparation for church a priority in your family today. You will be spiritually
healthier and your church will be stronger. The Church across this world and
time will benefit as well because neither goats nor the gates of hell will
prevail against the Church of the Living God.