Farming for Dominion
Why in the world do you farm?
That is a good question. In today’s time, with all its modern conveniences
of grocery stores, gourmet and not-so-gourmet fast food restaurants on every
corner, why would anyone want to start farming? Maybe, it is an interest of
eating healthier or a feeling of accomplishment or just to have a hobby of
sorts. I was one of those hobbyists or people that wanted to feel like they
accomplished something in a mundane life. I was raised in the city and although
some gardening was done around me during my childhood, there was really little
instruction or even inclusion or teaching in regards to raising animals or
crops. If you haven’t guessed it, I am new when it comes to the whole idea of
farming and agriculture in general. When you have this kind of combination of a
hobbyist who is emotionally divested in something without experience, what you
get is goats. I can picture you scratching your head, so let me explain.
For all you goat farmers out there, there is nothing wrong with goats
in general, but if people are going to raise goats because they are an easy
entry point to farming or they are just plain “cute” or it would just be “neat”
to have some, they have a problem. I always hear the argument for having goats
as that “we could milk them” and “we could sell fresh milk and make and sell soap”
and “we could have babies and sell them” and on and on goes the reasoning for
having goats. The first thing I ask people when they say they want goats is how
do you plan to contain them? Or how much land do you have and what kind of land
do you have? Or have you ever milked a goat before? Goats without a purpose are
like vampires for your pocketbook. They entice you and draw you in with all of
those fantastic qualities but in reality they are sucking you dry. When I say
fantastic, I am using the true quality of the word which is fantasy. I am an
expert in this, because this is where I began two years ago with an unrealistic
fantasy of the city boy becoming a farmer. This is what I call hobbyist
farming. Hobbyist farming and gardening is a dangerous thing and I believe it
is outright sinful for the Christian.
That’s right. I said it. Being a hobbyist when it comes to farming,
gardening, or anything in life is outright, plain and simple, sin. I didn’t say
it was a sin to enjoy any of these things, because like hunting and fishing or
any other thing, they are definitely enjoyable and should be enjoyable for us
to want to continue to do them. However, without a purpose, they make us
horrible stewards of the resources, time and lives God has given us. Let us be
reminded that, “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,
for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers” (Psalm
24:1-2). Everything belongs to the Lord and that includes our purpose for
farming, gardening and the like. I remember the old adage, “If you fail to
plan, you plan to fail.” It is a good one, but the problem is that when we lead
and plan with our emotions from our hearts and we fail to realize our hearts
are deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9) and they will lead us astray. But thank God that
although “the heart of man plans his way…the Lord establishes
his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). I am thankful that this is what God did for me and
did not allow me to continue down such a path of destruction.
God’s purpose for the life of those who follow Him is
established in the first book of the Bible in what is called by many, the
dominion mandate. Genesis 1:26-30 reads:
Then God said, “Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea
and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth
and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
So God created man in his own image, in
the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
And God blessed them. And God said to
them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have
dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over
every living thing that moves on the earth.” And God said, “Behold, I have
given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and
every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. And to every
beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that
creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every
green plant for food.” And it was so.
After the Flood later on in Genesis 9:1-3, the Lord reiterates and
then adds to this same dominion mandate:
God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and
fill the earth. The fear of you and the dread of you
shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon
everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your
hand they are delivered. Every moving thing that lives
shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
Dominion is related to all aspects of life including family, work,
food and our relationship with God. As aforementioned, God has provided all the
resources of life because they are all His, but they are to be used for His
glory with His purpose and intent. All of these resources are meant to glorify
Him and when we use God’s resources to please ourselves, and not the Lord, we
have committed sin. All aspects of farming and gardening are tools that we are
to use for taking dominion in a lost and aimless world. It is our purpose to
take dominion. Our purpose is never self-seeking but it also seeks to honor and
glorify God. Farming and gardening can and does glorify God if done with this
purpose in mind.
Hobbyist Farming and Hobbyist
The problem we have is that for many we approach not only farming, but
all aspects of life without purpose; God’s purpose. God’s purpose is big and
Kingdom-focused. We, rather, are very much small thinking and self-seeking. Hobbyist
farming is just like hobbyist Christianity. Just as we live in a world of
conveniences with grocery stores and restaurants, there is a new flavor of
church and “Christianity” on every corner. There are the established
mom-and-pop operations (the orthodox churches) which are a dying breed in every
small town. There are the big-box stores where anything and everything under
the sun is offered (nothing is left out, but leaves the individual disconnected
as a whole). There are the fast-food churches which are cheap and you can get
your weekly Jesus, get out quick and go on with your life. Some churches don’t
even have any form of spiritual food, but they are more like ice cream or candy
stores full of sweetness and overarching ideas without any lasting substance.
The point of this writing is not to talk about different “churches,”
but to make the comparison most of us make with our Christian walk without even
blinking. In order to be an ardent, obedient follower of Christ, it takes work;
hard work. It takes reading and studying God’s Word for ourselves first. It
takes discussing and breaking things down with others to find clarity within
Christian community. It takes prayer and petition before God seeking to honor
Him every step of the way. It takes planning so that we truly consider the cost
it will require. It amazes me that as Christians we subscribe to magazines and
read online articles and engage in Facebook discussion groups in order to
further our walk with Christ and to do the work of ministry, but when it comes
to all of the other areas of life, including farming, we fall short. We would
hate to be called a hobbyist Christian, but why are just fine being called a
hobbyist farmer or gardener, etc.
A hobbyist farmer, just like a hobbyist Christian, is lazy,
self-seeking, immature and disobedient to the Lord’s command to take dominion
over the land and animals. You cannot take dominion without knowing anything
about what you are taking dominion of. Just as you cannot know the fullness of
the character and nature of God without studying His Word, we cannot know the full
nature of farming and gardening without first studying. Just as Christianity is
not just about learning from personal experience, it is the same in the arena
of farming and gardening. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but you need to
study up first before you even attempt to ask questions. Just as any good
pastor would tell you not to just take his word for it, but rather we need to
check it against Scripture, we also don’t need to take the advice of the
“experts” of gardening and farming just on face value. We must do the hard,
strenuous work of research for ourselves and we then must ask if this practice of
farming or gardening honors God at His Word. His Law-Word does have some things
to say about gardening and farming in case you didn’t know.
We must be willing to do the hard work and study daily both in
preparation and continued education. Who cares about what animals others are
raising or what people are planting in their gardens? That is no concern for
you. Unless you are starting a Farmer’s Market, why would you plant things that
you and your family will not eat? Why plant a garden so big that you cannot
properly manage and maintain it? If you don’t have the time or man-power, you
have no business planting a one-acre garden much less a small container garden.
Why have animals that don’t provide anything back on your investment, but are
parasitic to your pocketbook? Why get animals in which you don’t have proper
containment, shelter and food for? Why have animals at all, if you are not
going to properly and knowledgably care for God’s creation. They are God’s
creatures and as stewards and managers of His property, we cannot take care of
them carelessly. When you don’t take care of God’s creation and provision, you
look foolish and are perceived as one who is presumptive, entitled and doesn’t
appreciate the Lord’s blessings. Presumption alone by itself is sinful (1
Samuel 15:23).
I want to challenge you that before you turn the soil, plant even one
seed or buy even one cute little chick or goat, to stop and ask what God’s
purpose for you is in this? Prayerfully consider whether this is an area He is
calling you to claim dominion purposely for Him and His Kingdom. Is this real
or a fantasy? Is this something that you are willing to devote your time,
abilities and resources to? Is this something that will require just you as an
individual to commit or will it require the involvement of the entire family?
Is this something your family is able and willing to do? Then, once the purpose
of God in this is established, begin researching everything you can about this
particular purpose. You will not learn it all up front, but you need to lay a
sure foundation. Not everyone should have a garden and not everyone should have
chickens or goats or pigs or whatever your imagination can drum up. We need to
honor God by taking dominion where He sets our feet and purposes for us to grow
and expand His kingdom. As Christians, we must set the example for the pagans
by being God-centered and Kingdom-focused rather than self-seeking hobbyists. Remember,
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for
men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the
inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (Colossians
3:23-24). Don’t waste time, resources or anything on something that you will be
ashamed of in the end. Honor God and fulfill His purpose!
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